Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more

Trachyphonia - roughness of a voice

Personal disposition has no face, for we are always changing
Perception is something I'm so thankful for, even when it's bad you can still learn something from it. 

Finding where I resonate truly to myself is what I've been seeking, so getting out there & making sure I'm true to myself should help land me in that place.

A few days ago I said that I'd be trying to get a TECHNO set up around this time last week, but alas I'm still putting it together, 4th take today, I definitely need to get a board to take mixing seriously. 

Afternoon update!

My bro gifted me an S7, and I got a (new to me) bicycle! It's pretty rad, I'm happy with it.

Not sure if my fam checks these posts out but if you do, thank you so much, love you all!!

Here's me and Pucky being cute getting a quick snap for y'all. Stay up, get exercise, love your pets!

new weezer song i think?? or at least new music video


Here is a bonus glitch lazily done today, I'll re-do this one at another time.