Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more

Joseph Jordan Krause, Professional Windbag.



By, for & made in the USA. The rest of the world can join too, if they want.


The power of We.

Power is important, and power is at the center of what we are, eat & most importantly, our dreams.

There is more than enough hardware already in the world.
Many people use it, store it & replace it where you'd find non-renewable energies being used every day.

It may or may not be entirely worth your time, but..We've yet to address that we can power the entire world...for free. & I, will show you how. I am so ready for September.

And because this is MY BLOG BITCH

Here is some sappy, crying good ol' jams from ya boy Roy Rogers.

2 posts in 1 day! No way!

So I was supposed to have heard back from the school & the storage place by now. Hopefully that bodes well for me...?

So tense.

Signed up for ROVER the dog sitting & care app, so I'll be posting a link at the bottom soon adding that to the list.

Updated my contact info everywhere I could remember. & dropped a few more apps today for good measure.

Pickguard & tuning pegs...i need these...gosh.


Enrolled, have to wait until 2 (so probs more like around 2:30) to get some updates on the no-shows.
Around 12 I'll be getting the yes or no regarding the job. & still waiting on many others.

Got another phone too. So thats cool.


Apply for more jobs now, kinda wishing I had more to do...more friends, hopefully soon that will change.

Theres also this dude renting a nice room in Adelanto I'd like to check out - so hopefully can get some stuff done.


Marks a great day.

Starting trucking stuff on the 13th, starting online school on the 12th

Why didn't I think of this before??

Thank you Richie Matias, Briant, Madison & others.

You have been approved for CDL School starting Monday 8/13/2018.

+ Got my mind, path, belongings & others in order.
Cheers internet, thanks for the read. Check my fb for updates.

Here's a picture taken my Isabelle that shows my happiness rn.
We're standing on the trampoline.
PS here is a cute song sent to me by a cute friend. <3 p="">