Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more
I forgot to mention that I just recorded some riffs that I've been putting off uploading or just never got anyone to play with me...Now that I write that, it makes me feel pretty sad.

So around 4/20/15 I went to L.A. to help my brother in law. He said something about record labels, work, events & all types of stuff I'm leaving out.

After being there for only 3 days he's managed to get me in contact with all the right people to get some stuff done, and I couldn't be happier. But there are a lot of things to take care of still.

After recording our own EP, making a few websites, bailing on a show,
(Personally, The Boys still went) playing other gigs & just trying to get by...we're LA bound & ready for a new chapter in TCB.