Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more

irremeable which cannot be returned; irrevocable

Snoring through the night is no big deal when it's what you want to hear.
In the night boring palindromes wind down the mind, now...
Hark, crying silently, together, cry silently or wallow in repose.
Suppose the rows of the oceans had the key.
The clock turns forward now
Only for winter to come and steal from me.

Today is a new day, and there is a lot on our horizon people, just make sure to stay true to yourself. Trust me, you'll wish you had earlier.

After all the hype

one of the top results on google for cbd testing, this vague article is on the front page...

I'm finna do something about all this.

irredivivous - unable to be revived

alright, so ive been getting really lazy on this blog dont h7 me to much

nosomania - delusion of suffering from a disease

Very, very sleepy still. But I'm finna try and make it work. 
Sorry for being so quiet on here, not that many are listening. 

Started playing guitar a little again, which is always fun. 


This is getting easier to remeber. 

expromission relieving another person's debt by taking it upon oneself

Well, the gremlins and I are going out tonight. 

See ya on the flip side c: 

neocracy - government by new or inexperienced rulers

Too many things on my mind this morning. Which is fine. 

Keeps ya on your toes I guess. 

Going to check out the construction class, talk to a counselor, do follow-ups, try to not smoke for a while and go with CBD only...very interested to see how this one is going to go.

I really don't feel like being sad today, I got a lot to do, so I'll just...not...(?)