Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more


 i feel like some doctors are just lil dick energy guys and gals that don't want anyone else to succeed in like because they are buried in dept, hallow on the inside & borish overall so they give these numbing drugs to the population they are supposed to be helping...

New goals and new paths of getting it done

 Over the next 90 days Ill be trading my time for a better sense of musicianship. Sick of being such a half assed poser, lol. just being honest  *shrug* alright, maybe not a poser, but you know what I mean.

There will def be something to show for it even 10 days in, so i'll keep it logged here. ccCC;;::

& you suck at producing...*gasp

 Hello internet, I'm starting my first day at work tomorrow (jan 14th) and I just wanted to share that with you. Also, I made some new songs check my bandcamp & this link here

Please, enjoy & no cuts, no butts, or coconuts.