Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more

sanguinolent - sæŋˈɡwɪnələnt) / adjective. containing, tinged with, or mixed with blood.

**I've been playing bloodborne again lately because it's the only souls game I have no finished, and elden ring came out 38 minuets ago, so i got some catching up to do, yahuuuuuurd?

 It feels like theres something right around the corner.


Just going to keep this short and simple...

I've been doing better slowly...every day, but I've also been failing in a lot of ways.

I have also been learning to just love myself, one imperfection at a time.

There is no sense in being my own biggest hater, so I'm trying a new thing.

New mu
sic soon to come
as well c: