Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more

Kinematics - study of motion

Word to ya motha.

Been a minute

I'm ready for school, getting used to working. Just hoping I don't embarrass myself too bad. 

Hope y'all are doing well, sorry this is a faux-post. But I'm sure you understand. 


Lately school of life on YT has been very useful in my endeavors. 

Pretty sure I posted this once already, but it's so good I'm putting it up AGAIN.

fractious - irritable; peevish

Titles in this blog mean everything or nothing, today is a nothing kind of day. 

Glad I'm getting more hours at Del Taco, needing another job though, still looking for that daytime moneymoney.

There are only so many jobs for a guy like me, lol. jk. 

What I've noticed lately. 


This video made me laugh so hard.

I'm for sure the guy with the blue shirt, "Sonnof'agun."

Fun on a bun

I started working at Del Taco, getting seen my doctors, paying depts and much more.

Wish it didn't take so like to do all this stuff.