The most important reason or purpose for existence.
Hello today internet, 5 credit into school today, breezing through 'em. Wonder if I can graduate before the end of the month...that would be coolie, just need to learn this stupid geometry, the khan academy videos are helping though.
If you can't tell one paragraph into this post, this is a personal post day.
Learning a new word a day, doing school, jogging or biking, blazing less, job around the corner, giving one thing a day. One day at a time c: Stretching in the morning has been awesome, it greatly increases my moods for sure... Starting feeling results in 3 days, the body is wonderful.
Check out my mixcloud, been listening to a lot of fun mixes lately.
Not really sure what to do about Belle and Trav...they make me wonder so much...<3 fam.="" font="" love="" the="">
Here is some random cool art
The Muse of Creativity oil on canvas 34x60”The Muse of Creativity oil on canvas 34x60”