Joseph J. Krause / updates / media / links / blurps / magic & more
Well, this is going to be a pretty big update.

There is something in me that wants to fulfill the cliche of saying how hard it's been sense the last update. All the new things that should be going on, the memories from whats already happened...sadly I cannot report such things.

What IS going on, a new album from The Morguely Boys, it's going to be much better this time around, we're actually multi-tracking! Kappa.

These are a few of my jams that will be going on a solo album, I'll put it out under "Just Happ" most likely, keep an eye on my other sites for updates, I rarely post here anymore. 

The last show before I move to Colorado to be with my sweet will be on the 18th, there will be some shows in between & I can't wait.